
You know how they say “It takes a village…” – well these two are a big part of our village! What in the world would we do without our parents in town with us? To have two sets of incredibly loving, supportive AND helpful grandparents so close makes being parents to busy kiddos so much easier! AND more fun because every once in a while we get breaks from our amazing kids to spend time working on our marriage! Date night! We love them all so much and I wanted to capture their love for our three kids – so a Grandparent Mini was in order!



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The morning we went to the studio for these we got there early to make sure it was ready – to get the kids in a good mood I let them play with some mustaches a client gave me! I just had to whip up this collage because they made me laugh so hard!


I love our crazy family!

Thanks for letting me capture you guys B & T! Love you both so so much!