Getting to be a part of a birth is the most amazing part of my job. It really is.

Because births are hard. And intimate.

They are so so intimate.

Especially when they don’t go as planned.

And you’ve been laboring for three days in an attempt to have a natural child birth.

But God has other plans.

So you have to grapple with your choices.

And make hard decisions.

And I’m there, being a fly on the wall as much as possible, trying to capture it all.

The good moments, the sweet moments, the hard ones and even the truly sad ones.

Like when a c-section is your only option but your last choice.

And then out comes a healthy baby boy and most, if not all, is forgotten.

Because that healthy baby is all that truly matters in the end.

Even if how you got him wasn’t the way you had hoped.

Births are intimate.

And so incredibly special.

I am always blown away when a family invites me into that intimate space with them so that my camera can capture this part of life for them.

I am also eternally grateful.