I am a mom.


That means I don’t get enough sleep and survive on caffeine.  It means laundry is the absolute bane of my existence. It means when you talk to me I will probably tell you all that I have to do that day/week/month not because I think you care, but because if I don’t verbalize it over and over to anyone willing to listen I will forget things. It means Chris and I rarely see one another and when we do we’re comparing calendars or talking about the kids. It means I finally get around to mopping the floors and my kids run through the house trailing mud behind them so I pretend I don’t see it for weeks until I get around to getting the mop out again. It means my house is usually within 15 minutes of being straightened for company but if you open my drawers or cabinets where we stashed all the clutter I will have to kill you. Having three kids means I could feed them a meal with the food in our couch cushions or between the seats in our minivan. It means that when we bought our first used mini van I declared, as we drove out of the dealership, that it was the best day of my life and Chris reminded me just how depressing that was. It means I live in workout clothes to hide the fact it’s been a while since I’ve showered while simultaneously trying to tell the world that of course I have plans to workout that day but really I rarely do. It means I feel like I’m splurging when I buy new underwear at Target. It means between carpool and practices and choir and church and errands oh and my actual job it feels like I live in our van. It means I am always prepared for a disaster. Band-Aids? Check. Children’s Tylenol? Check. Hand lotion, Kleenex, granola bars, clean underwear, extra socks, hair bands, chap stick and duct tape? Check. And that’s just part of what I keep in my purse at all times. Being a mom means my to do lists have to do lists and they are never totally checked off. It means there are post-its stuck all over our house and things written on my hand so I don’t forget the field trip money or to buy the birthday party gift or to brush my teeth. It means I multitask like it’s my job. It means I do very little for myself and collapse into bed around midnight every night.

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It also means I am woken up by a sweet sleepy voice asking to climb in bed next to me to snuggle. It means there is a little hand that still reaches out to hold mine when walking into a store or across a street or to the park. It means I’m the one they run to when they skin their knees for not only a Band-aid, but a hug. It means witnessing big things like first words and first steps in those first years and as they grow older being there to see them get A’s on tests they’ve studied hard for, big wins on the soccer field, school performances, learning to tie their shoes, taking the training wheels off and swimming across the pool for the first time. It means being three little people’s biggest fan. It means my best friends are next to me on the sidelines and we catch up between cheers. It means good night kisses are necessary for good dreams and them wanting to still sit on my lap while I read a book they can read themselves. It means excited voices telling me all about their day in school because they’ve been waiting to not just tell anyone, but tell me, their mom.


I am a mom. I’m not doing it all right and in fact, most days, I’m just putting one foot in front of the other doing my best to enjoy the ride. But I’m their mom and that’s all they need. They don’t need a perfectly clean house or me dressed up in something other than yoga pants. They don’t need to eat beautifully cooked meals or wear ironed clothes. They need me. And I’m here. Looking a little frazzled most days but here.


And if one day I’m not it’s because I was eaten by a laundry pile….


One day all of us moms are going to look back and wonder how it all went by so fast. Even now with my oldest just 8, the sure fire way to make me cry is to look through their baby photos. It feels like yesterday I was just trying to survive with three under three and suddenly I blinked and they’re all in school.

Let me capture this time for you. Let me freeze these moments when they fit in your lap or in your arms still. These are the most important days of our lives and they are flying by way too fast.

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Because those time slots are so limited I am also offering Momma Minis ANY WEEK DAY IN MAY for an additional $25 added to the session fee. Still a great deal and makes it easier to schedule! Weekday mornings in May are fairly flexible – we can do in studio or at Blackburn Park in Webster Groves. Just email us at [email protected] to book your session!