I can’t believe I’m actually sharing a craft BEFORE the actual holiday! I used to be so good at sharing stuff like this and as my kids get bigger and my work week get busier I find myself still doing crafts with my kids but not sharing them. So this is a proud moment in working ahead for me! HA!

From now on I am going to preface my NON-PROFESSIONAL photos by saying “I was not paid to take this photo and therefore I did not spend tons of time thinking about composition or lighting or editing, I shot it and blogged it. Period.” Whew. I feel better. HA!

Ok, so just a quick share to show you what the chickens are giving their classmates this year. These were all printed on our home printer b/c I didn’t feel like spending a fortune on printing and all supplies were bought at Target I think. I know the bubbles and pencils were. And the candy. The little bags though are actually what hold our wallet sized photos… but I’m sure Michaels or Hobby Lobby has something similar!

The original idea came from HERE and was on my Pinterest board. I took the idea and tweaked it (I love Pinterest but rarely do I copy something exactly) when I found the Valentine bubbles at Target. All I did was punch a hole in the cardstock and tied the bubbles on with ribbons…

I saw those pencils in the dollar section at Target and bought 10 packs! I had no idea what to do with them but come one! Striped and polka dot pencils? Yes please! Then I saw THIS idea (again on Pinterest!) and knew how I could use at least 20 of those pencils! Bailey LOVES them, thinks they’re hysterical and can’t wait to hand them out!

I had these shots of Gray with his light saber and knew immediately what I wanted to do with them. Again, idea from Pinterest and original idea from HERE. Grayson doesn’t care what he hands out so his were easy!

What’s so awesome about Pinterest is that you can find an idea and then try to figure out how to make it yours! It was fun figuring out how to add images to some of these ideas!

If you’ve blogged what your kids are handing out I’d love to see… just more fun things to pin for next year! Leave a comment with your direct link if you can!